Africa Enslaved: Comparative Slave Systems Outside the United States
A Document-Based Question (DBQ) unit designed around the AP World History curriculum and aligned with Texas and National standards for history and geography, Africa Enslaved explores comparative slave systems outside of the US, with particular focus on Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. Co-developed by LLILAS and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies & Collections, The University of Texas

African Diaspora in Latin America
These lesson guides and classroom activities help students to better understand the African Diaspora, a term used to refer to the communities of persons throughout the world who descend from African peoples. The Atlantic Slave Trade forced more than 10 million Africans to the New World, with vast numbers relocated to present day Latin America and the Caribbean. Brazil alone received almost 5 million. The African diaspora continues to this day to shape and enrich the social, economic, and cultural realities of Latin America.
Center for Latin American Studies, Vanderbilt University

Exploration of the African Diaspora in the Americas
This curriculum packet was developed by the participants in the 2009 institute with the same title and includes activities for the following subjects: Social Studies/History/Geography, Language, and the Arts. This is a great resource to accompany the film Black in Latin America.
Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University

Race, Power, and Identity in Cuba: Past and Present Primary Source Activities
In this activity-based curriculum, students utilize primary sources to explore how structural racism shaped experiences and identities of Afro-Cuban communities. This curriculum was inspired by Tulane University’s Summer 2017 Cuban Culture & Society K-12 Teacher Institute and created by the curriculum specialists at Primary Source. Adaptable for high school Spanish, Language Arts, Social Studies, Visual Arts, and Art History.
Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University

Afro-Brazilian Culture in the Classroom
Compiled and created by teachers who traveled to Salvadar da Bahia, Brazil, to study the rich Afro-Brazilian culture that is prevalent in this northeastern area of the country, these resources address language, religion, food, music, dance, and other social and cultural practices.
Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh