Note: For extensive resources tied to Americas Award-recognized literature, please see our separate section on Americas Award curriculum resources.
Vamos a Leer: Teaching Latin America Through Literacy *
A blog featuring weekly reviews of Latino/a children’s books, monthly educator’s guides for young adult novels, and interviews with award-winning authors. Literacy resources are grouped according to age ranges, country focus, and themes such as art and activism, conquest and colonization, winter celebrations, and so forth.
Latin American & Iberian Institute, University of New Mexico
Haitian Folktales
A K-2 Curriculum Unit about a Haitian folktale, Tezin: le poisson d’eau douce: Conte de la tradition haitenne (Tezin: Freshwater Fish: A Folktale in the Haitian Tradition) which exposes students to Haiti, folktales, the French language, the importance of the environment, and performance.
Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University